Heart Breathings

Heart Breathings Writing Community

Welcome to the online dashboard for our Heart Breathings Writing Community. Our intention with this group is to bring writers together in an encouraging and uplifting environment where we can write together, exchange ideas, and have fun.

The community began as a Facebook Group for a writing sprints challenge, but over the years, it has grown into an awesome and supportive community with daily livestreams, monthly events, and great conversations.

Click here to join the Heart Breathings Writing Community Facebook Group.

Writing Sprints

One of the fundamental purposes of this community is to write together in ‘sprints’. This idea is taken from the Pomodoro Method and stems from the idea of focusing only on writing without any distractions for a limited period of time, taking a short break, and then writing again.

In our community, we have a group of admins who have volunteered their time to run writing sprint livestreams. For the most part, these livestreams happen simultaneously in the Facebook group and on YouTube, but some of them are streamed only on Facebook. Feel free to join and participate on whichever platform you prefer.

The current weekly livestream schedule is listed below and are updated weekly on our shared Google Calendar, which you can find below. All times are subject to change, but we will do our best to note changes in the group or on the calendar as needed.

To join a livestream, simply go to the Facebook Group or click the link of the admin’s YouTube channel at the time indicated below. (All times are Eastern US here, but if you join the Google calendar, I believe it will show you the times in your own time zone.)

Weekly Livestream Schedule

**All times listed in Eastern US (EST) below. The weekend times here will shift during Double Down Day and Virtual Writing Retreat Weekends. Times are also subject to change during NaNoWriMo events.**

Karen from 8-11am

Jenn from 2-4pm

Tracee from 8-10pm

Tamara from 8-10am

Heather from 11am-1pm

Diane from 2-4pm

Jenna from 6-8pm

Rhiannon from 9-11pm

Karen from 8-11am

Angela from 12-2pm

Jenna from 6-8pm

Tamara from 8-10am

Heather from 11am-1pm

Diane from 2-4pm

Tracee from 8-10pm

Karen from 9am-12pm

Angela from 12-2pm

Jenn from 2-4pm

Jenna from 8-10pm (check Google Calendar as times may vary)

Mel from 9-11am

Tracy (check Google Calendar as times may vary)

Melissa from 9AM-12PM

Tracy (check Google Calendar as times may vary)

Google Calendar

Below, you’ll find the official Heart Breathings Writing Community Google Calendar. If you want to add this calendar to your own Google Calendar, go to the bottom and click the + Google Calendar icon. This should open it in a new window and prompt you to add this calendar to your own.

We will do our best to keep this updated on a daily basis, so we’d love for you to check this calendar if you have questions about whether a stream was cancelled or is still planned.

That’s all the information for now! I hope you are as excited about these changes as we are! Again, we’re so grateful to have such an amazing writing community.

Monthly Writing Events

Each month, we hold two virtual writing events in our Facebook group.

Double Down Day takes place the first Saturday of every month and includes live writing sprint sessions throughout the day. The rules are simple: 1) Challenge yourself to write double your “normal” daily word count and 2) Have FUN!

A post will go up a few days before the event to provide a schedule of the livestreams and where you can find them. You’ll also have a chance to let us know your word count goal for the day! 

Our Virtual Writing Retreat takes place during the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, October) on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. This event includes live writing sprint sessions throughout each of the three days.

To make it more fun, each month we will “retreat” at a different destination. This destination will be announced the week before the retreat, and though we will only be visiting this place virtually, rather than in real life, the theme will be carried throughout the event. Feel free to share playlists, recipes, inspirational photos and more as we virtually “travel” together throughout the year!

Our retreat livestream schedule will be announced a few days before the retreat begins and can also be found in our shared Heart Breathings Google Calendar.

There are no official rules to the retreat, and there’s no need to officially “join”. Feel free to make it what you want and need it to be. Join us in the comments of the livestreams for extra motivation and community encouragement, write on your own, start sprint threads in the main group, and pop in and out as you please.

Mostly, the retreats are a way for us to collectively focus and make our writing a priority while hanging out as a community and supporting each other! Everyone is a winner, and we are ready to cheer you on whether you write 100 words or 10,000.

Here are the dates for all events in 2024 (dates are subject to change).

Join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hbwordsprints
