Heart Breathings

How To Make 2019 Your Best Year As A Writer

How To Make 2019 Your Best Year As A Writer

December is truly one of my favorite months of the year, because it’s time to look back on what we’ve accomplished so far and look ahead to what we hope to get done in the coming year. One of my favorite thing to do in December is set my goals and daydream about how to […]

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How To Avoid Burnout As An Author

How To Avoid Burnout As An Author

Burnout is a very real and dangerous thing for authors and entrepreneurs. Our ability to make money rests solely on our ability to create and market our work, which means that periods of sustained burnout can completely tank our income and productivity. Today, we are going to talk about how to avoid burnout as authors. […]

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The One Thing You Need To Know Before You Self-Publish

The One Thing You Need To Know Before You Self-Publish

Let’s face it. Once you start thinking about publishing your book, things get overwhelming really fast. There are a thousand decisions to make about everything from cover art design to ebook vendors. The more you research, the more you feel like you know absolutely nothing. Deep breaths. Yes, there is a learning curve when it […]

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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