Heart Breathings

Your Summer Writing Plan 2024 ✏️

June 7, 2024 by Sarra Cannon

A Writer's Life | Planning And Organization

Are your plans shifting a bit with the season? For those of us moving into summer months, that can often mean a shift in schedule, so it’s time for another Summer Writing Plan video and workbook!

Summer is just getting started here in Dallas, Texas, and it’s going to be fun, hot, and busy! I’m headed to Inkers Con this weekend, and I hope to see some of you there. When I get back, though, it’s all about finish my novel and starting a new project. I am so excited!

Head to YouTube to hear about my summer writing goals and how I’m organizing them with the kids home.

Let’s Get Some Work Done!

I know it isn’t summer everywhere in the world, but hopefully this writing plan video will give everyone some ideas on how to set a temporary schedule for certain seasons or situations.

Sign up for my newsletter below and get your free copy of my Summer 2024 Writing Plan workbook AND access to my Heart Breathings Resource Library, full of other valuable guides!

I’ll be back next week with my Summer Reset Routine! In the meantime, if you’re ready for a fresh start, I hope you’ll ​join us in the HB90 Bootcamp​. Enrollment is open now, and it’s the perfect antidote to overwhelm and indecision. Let’s create a fresh start together!

Otherwise, I’ll see you over on YouTube as we set some summer writing goals.

And for those headed to Inkers Con, I’ll see you soon! If you can’t make it live this year, think about grabbing the digital conference ticket. It’s $50 when you use my code: ​SARRA24

Sarra Cannon

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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A Writer's Life Planning And Organization Self-Publishing Tips Writing Tips