Heart Breathings

Your Summer Writing Plan 2024 ✏️

Your Summer Writing Plan 2024 ✏️

Are your plans shifting a bit with the season? For those of us moving into summer months, that can often mean a shift in schedule, so it’s time for another Summer Writing Plan video and workbook! Summer is just getting started here in Dallas, Texas, and it’s going to be fun, hot, and busy! I’m […]

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My 2024 Q2 Reset Routine

My 2024 Q2 Reset Routine

Anyone else off to a slower start this quarter? If you are, I’m here to let you know that it’s totally okay to start whenever you’re ready. There’s no specific magic to starting on Day 1 of a month or quarter. You can start at any time and still be successful! Which is a huge […]

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💜April Notebook Challenge

💜April Notebook Challenge

It’s Q2, and I can hardly believe we’re already almost a week in. There are so many fun videos coming up that I can’t wait to share with you, like today’s ​April notebook challenge video​. My uploading and newsletter schedule is a little off due to final edits on Vanessa Shaw, a death in the […]

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Getting Ready For Camp NaNoWriMo

Getting Ready For Camp NaNoWriMo

Anyone else getting excited for their goals right now? For me, when this time of year comes around, I always start to feel that fresh-start energy. The sun is shining and anything feels possible. I am getting so close to finishing edits on The Disappearance of Vanessa Shaw (the book I’ve been working on for […]

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What To Do When You Get Stuck With Novel Edits

What To Do When You Get Stuck With Novel Edits

I’m still knee deep in edits for The Disappearance of Vanessa Shaw over here, and I have to admit – it’s been emotionally challenging to stick with this for so long. Have you ever been working on a project and just felt like you were stuck? Or you weren’t sure how to keep moving forward? […]

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Our First Notebook Challenge Of The Year

Our First Notebook Challenge Of The Year

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your holiday season was wonderful and that your year is off to a great and peaceful start so far. Today, I’m sharing our first Notebook Challenge video of the year. It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing these for almost 5 years! I hope you’re still loving them! Head to […]

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My Favorite Books On Writing 📖✨

My Favorite Books On Writing 📖✨

Can you believe we’re less than a week away from NaNoWriMo? I hope you’ve loved the Preptober content and planner this year, and there’s still more to come before we begin. Today, I have a much-requested topic of my ultimate favorite books on writing, arranged by topic. ​Watch it with me today​. Top Books on […]

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How I Annotate My Books

How I Annotate My Books

Hello from the beach, where I’m currently loving the chance to see friends, network, and share my passion for planning at the NINC conference this year. If you’re here, please come say hi! I didn’t want to leave you without a video when we’re so very close to Preptober (all the fun starts next week!), […]

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How I Manage Tasks On Low Energy Days

How I Manage Tasks On Low Energy Days

Managing my energy on days when I just don’t feel well can be tough. Especially when there are things that simply have to get done. In today’s video, I’m sharing five tips for managing tasks on low energy days. Be sure to grab my Energy Audit Workbook for FREE when you sign up for my […]

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Brainstorm ONE MONTH of Social Media Posts in Just 30 Minutes

Brainstorm ONE MONTH of Social Media Posts in Just 30 Minutes

We all know social media can be a powerful way to connect with our audience, but some days, the hardest part is knowing what in the world to talk about or post. It can feel exhausting to keep brainstorming ideas every day or spinning our wheels trying to figure out what people want to see. […]

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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