Heart Breathings

Starting The Final Book in My Series

Starting The Final Book in My Series

I honestly can’t believe the end is almost here. When I started writing the Shadow Demons Saga back in 2010, I never dreamed it would be such a huge part of my life and career. As I begin setting up my plotting notes and getting ready to start drafting the final book in the series, […]

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The Great Ideas Series: Brainstorming your Ideas

The Great Ideas Series: Brainstorming your Ideas

Brainstorming great ideas for a novel or series can truly be some of the most fun you’ll have as a writer. I love to brainstorm novel ideas, but there is a lot more that goes into taking an idea from that first spark to a full-length novel or a five-book series and beyond. In this […]

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Series and serials: Do you know the difference?

Series and serials: Do you know the difference?

What is a serial? When it comes to writing fiction, there are a lot of differing opinions on what makes up a serial vs. a series, what the structure of a proper serial should be, and whether a serial has to end on a cliffhanger. In today’s video, I’m going to go over my opinions […]

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10 Best Practices When Writing And Publishing A Series (How To Write & Publish A Series, #7)

10 Best Practices When Writing And Publishing A Series (How To Write & Publish A Series, #7)

I’m back today with my Top 10 best practices to follow when writing and publishing your series. This is our final content video in this series, but I’m excited to say I’ll also be doing a Q&A on Series Writing coming up next week, too. Watch today’s video on the 10 best practices for Publishing […]

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My 5 Biggest Mistakes In Series Writing & Publishing (How To Plan & Write A Series, #6)

My 5 Biggest Mistakes In Series Writing & Publishing (How To Plan & Write A Series, #6)

To say I’ve made some big mistakes over the course of my career would be an understatement. I have really made some bad choices and mistakes over the past decade in indie publishing my various series, and I am going to spill the tea on myself today in hopes that my mistakes will help you […]

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The Emotional Pitfalls of Writing a Book Series (How To Plan & Write A Series, #5)

The Emotional Pitfalls of Writing a Book Series (How To Plan & Write A Series, #5)

So far in this video and blog series, we’ve looked at various aspects of planning and writing a series, but one factor I feel is extremely important regarding your series plans is to think about the emotional toll a series can take on your mental health. It’s honestly not something that’s often discussed. Instead, most […]

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How To Create A Series Bible (How To Plan & Write A Series, #4)

How To Create A Series Bible (How To Plan & Write A Series, #4)

How to create and use a series bible is one of my most requested topics, so I’m excited to have a ton of great information on this for you today. I didn’t start out with a series bible, and man, do I regret it! Creating a series bible along the way is one of the […]

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Planning Your Series (How To Plan & Write A Series, #3)

Planning Your Series (How To Plan & Write A Series, #3)

I’m back with video #3 in our How To Plan & Write A Series series. This is honestly a topic we could discuss in an entire month-long course, but I have done my best to condense my advice on how to plan your novel series to this one video and workbook. Exciting news! I also […]

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Character Arcs, Story Arcs, and Series Arcs (How To Plan & Write A Series, #2)

Character Arcs, Story Arcs, and Series Arcs (How To Plan & Write A Series, #2)

Welcome back to another post and video about planning and writing your book series. Today, we’re discussing the differences between a character arc, a story arc, and a series arc. I’ll be posting 8 videos on “How to Plan and Write A Series” over the course of several weeks. If you’re just finding this series, […]

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The Different Types of Series (How To Plan & Write A Series, #1)

The Different Types of Series (How To Plan & Write A Series, #1)

There is no doubt in my mind that writing a series of novels is one of the very best ways to grow your author career and to build a community of loyal readers. Today, I’m starting an 8-part series of videos discussing How To Plan & Write A Series. Yes, A Series… Series :P. In […]

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.

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